League of Ordinary Gentlemen Podcast Episode #475 - The League Vs. Incredible Hulk (1982)

The Gents take on the classic 1982 Incredible Hulk animated series, and he soundly defeated us by grabbing the cement under our feet and flipping it like a carpet until we were on our backs, and other cartoon tropes. Listen if you want to get that reference. ▶️ Play/Download Here

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League of Ordinary Gentlemen Podcast Episode #474 - The League Vs. Goldfinger

The League has “a little fun with Mr Goldfinger” by tackling the most famous Bond movie of them all. We actually don’t expect you to die, but we do expect you to listen. Which you won’t!

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League of Ordinary Gentlemen Podcast Episode #473 - The League Vs. Analog Shopping

The Gents recount their experiences shopping back in the day. If you remember Child World, orange Julius, Music Smith, Sam Goody and all those other rip-off joints, then you’re probably as old as us. Enjoyyyyyy. ▶️ Play/Download Here

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League of Ordinary Gentlemen Podcast Episode #471 - The League Vs. Jurassic Park

With Jurassic World: Dominion now in theaters, the Gents travel back 65 million years (or just to 1993) to talk about the movie that started it all and changed special effects forever, Jurassic Park. To quote the great Ian Malcolm, this podcast is one big pile of sh*t. ▶️ Play/Download Here

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League of Ordinary Gentlemen Podcast Episode #469 - The League Vs. Mission: Impossible III

Dursin’s favorite person Tom Cruise ramps up the spy-ery for the third installment of the franchise. How do the Gents feel about this one? Read our lips to find out (Just kidding. You can’t do that. It’s audio.)

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New Oddio Oddventure! - Marvel Tales #108: Amazing Spider-Man #131 - "My Uncle... My Enemy?"

The Gents are back with their first Oddio Oddventure in years! If you’re just dying to find out what happened after Aunt May was about to marry Spidey’s nemesis, Dr. Octopus in our last Oddio from years ago, well, this one’s for you! Listen to our take on Marvel Tales #108, a reprint of Amazing Spider-Man #131 - “My Uncle… My Enemy!”

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