League of Ordinary Gentlemen Podcast Episode #368 - Hair of the Dog

Clay and Dursin are back to talk about the Disney/Fox deal finally going through, Spider-Man: Life Story, Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse, and a bunch of other Spidey-related stuff. Plus, how to kick that St. Paddy’s Day hangover. ▶️ Play/Download Here

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League of Ordinary Gentlemen Podcast Episode #363 - Talk-Ward

All 4 convene to talk about the Star Wars fan controversy like a bunch of man-babies. Also, we talk about Criminal #2, Captain Marvel #2 and the art in Amazing Spider-Man, which is a big number two. But mostly the Star Wars fans thing. ▶️Play/Download Here

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League of Ordinary Gentlemen Podcast Episode #347 - Head Cannon

Clay, John and Dursin are back to talk Scarlet, the book and the person that Snake-Eyes was saving when he got his face burned off, which didn't happen in Clay's Head canon, so we shot him with a Head Cannon!. Plus, Another &%$#-ing Star Trek Podcast.  ▶️Play/Download Here

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