League Podcast Comic Book Picks of the Week for Wed. September 5, 2018
Writer Jeff Parker reveals the origin of the Queen’s superspy 007 in James Bond Origin #1 featuring a 17 year old James Bond looking to make his mark on the world.
Read MoreLeague Podcast and Dig Boston Comic Book Picks of the week for Wed. February 17, 2016
Power Man and Iron Fist #1 - The Original Heroes for Hire and soon too be Netflix stars in Defenders (we hope) are back with a new book!
Read MoreLeague Podcast and Dig Boston Comics Picks of the Week for Wed. December 10, 2014
Dragon is broken out of prison putting Malcolm in the Middle of some hot action! Celebrate all that is right with comics these days for Erik Larsen's Savage Dragon #200! The only Image founder to stay as the main creator for his book since 1992! Fins UP! Kelly Sue DeConnick (Captain Marvel) gives us Bitch Planet #1 for a sci-fi prison planet type affair for the feminist in everyone. Finally! ... Harley Quinn Holiday Special #1 pits our mallet bearing clown against department store Santas, Natch! ... Picks this week from LeaguePodcast.com!