As you probably know by now, starting April 1, 2020, Diamond Distribution will temporarily discontinue shipping products to comics book retailers. This clearly has an effect upon ComicList, as we exist to let you all know what comics, books, and other items are available each week in comic book shops.
We will continue to monitor the situation and keep you all apprised. Right now, multiple publishers have stated that some graphic novels and trade paperbacks will be available, in any comics book stores that are still open for business, through book distributors. DC Comics has also announced they are looking into ways of getting single issue comic books into stores without using Diamond Distribution.
Updated News From NEC
To our valued customers, If you haven't heard, Massachusetts Governor Baker has extended the shutdown of all non-essential businesses until May 4th. We want to assure you that NEC has every intention to reopen as soon as possible once we're permitted to!
We also want to assure you that any comics in YOUR SUBSCRIPTIONS or on hold, whether in-store or via FFAST, will be saved and made available for you as soon as the product arrives at NEC. We hope to have all these comics waiting for you when we re-open.
Be aware that these releases are not available to anyone until the publishers start up again. This means we know of no other source which could have them beforehand.
Starting March 29th and continuing thru April, there will be NO new comics released in print or digitally from any of the major comic publishers including Marvel, DC, Image, Dark Horse, etc. This will continue until our distributor reopens. Our expectation is that once we re-open there will be new comics being released every week once again.
Events are happening rapidly these days and news gets updated constantly. We will update our customers and friends as soon as we acquire updated news on this situation.
As always, we at NEC thank ALL our loyal customers who havesupported us for the last 38 years! We look forward to many more years of happily serving your comic needs.