League of Ordinary Gentlemen Podcast Episode #318 - Old & Grouchy
All 4 Gents get old and grouchy about Justice League. Plus, Punisher: War Machine, Amazing Spider-Man #791, and whether or not super-heroes should be married. Also, Jaush thinks Batman has put on a little weight. ➡️ Play/Download Here
Read MoreLeague of Ordinary Gentlemen Podcast Episode #317 - Purple Man'd His Way Out
Clay and Dursin speculate on the Bendis-to-DC news. Plus, Disney bullying theater chains, a new creative team on Star Wars (and a whole new Star Wars trilogy) and some Uber mishaps. ➡️ Play/Download Here
Read MoreLeague of Ordinary Gentlemen Podcast Episode #316 - John 3:16
Dursin, Clay Hemsworth and John "3:16" Hunt talk Thor: Ragnarok. Plus, Batman: White Knight, Captain America #695 and Spider-Man #234. But mostly how Cate Blanchett looked pretty hot in Ragnarok. ➡️ Play/Download Here
Read MoreLeague of Ordinary Gentlemen Curb-cast Episode #5 - "Thank You for Your Service"
Clay and Dursin are joined by Jim Scampoli of the jimandthem and Shows What You Know podcasts to chat about this week's episode, and we go together like Milk Duds and popcorn, let me tell you. ➡️ Play/ Download Here
Read MoreLeague of Ordinary Gentlemen Curb-Cast Episode #4 - Running with the Bulls
Clay and Dursin are back to recap Curb Your Enthusiasm, Season 9, Episode #4, "Running with the Bulls." Plus, the psychology of touching door handles. ➡️ Play/Download Here
Read MoreLeague of Ordinary Gentlemen Podcast Episode #315 - All of the Thors
Clay and Dursin talk Prof. Marston and the Wonder Women, Thor #700, Incredible Hulk #709, Kid Lobotomy #1 and the Legend of Zelda 25th Anniversary Symphony Orchestra. ➡️ Play/Download Here
Read MoreLeague of Ordinary Gentlemen Podcast Episode #314 - The Mouse House
Clay, Dursin and special guest Josh have mice on the brain this week, as well as Fox's The Gifted, Amazing Spider-Man #789, and Clay's report from NYCC. ➡️ Play/Download Here
Read MoreLeague of Ordinary Gentlemen Curb-Cast Episode #2 - The Pickle Gambit
Clay and Dursin are back for episode 2 of our Curb-Cast, where we see how Larry tries to get the Fatwah lifted with the help of an old friend. Plus, a hooker mitzvah! ➡️ Play/Download Here
Read MoreLeague of Ordinary Gentlemen Curb-Cast Episode #1 - Lampin Ain't Easy!
Curb Your Enthusiasm is back for Season 9, and Clay and Dursin are here to give their review in their first ever Curb-Cast. It crudi-"takes" the cake! ➡️ Play/Download Here
Read MoreLeague of Ordinary Gentlemen Podcast Episode #313: The Who-zees and the What-zees
Clay and Dursin are back to talk Star Trek: Discovery, The Orville, Marvel Legacy #1 and the awesome "It's Alive: Classic Horror and Sci-Fi Art from the Kirk Hammett Collection" at the Peabody Essex Museum.
➡️ Play/Download Here
League of Ordinary Gentlemen Podcast Episode #312 - The Return of Jaush!
It's the return of Jaush Lingel! Plus some banter about Batman and Harley Quinn, Star Wars: 'Sode 9 news, and why The Flash doesn't start his own house cleaning business. ➡Play/Download Here
Read MoreLeague of Ordinary Gentlemen Podcast Episode #311 - Mascot Money
Clay and Dursin are back to talk about The Defenders on Netflix, Mace Windu #1, Thanos finally kicking some ass, Generations: Hawkeye and how much money sports mascots make. ▶ Play/Download Here
Read MoreLeague of Ordinary Gentlemen Podcast #310 - Boston Comic-Con Airing of Grievances
Clay and Dursin are back, and they got a lot of problems with you, Boston Comic-Con/Fan Expo! Plus, The Defenders, Generations: Wolverine, Spider-Men II and l'il Normie Osborn. ▶ Play/Download Here
Read MoreLeague of Ordinary Gentlemen Podcast Episode #309: League Legacy
Clay and Dursin are back to talk some comics! Specifically, Generations: Hulk, Darth Vader #4, Robotech #1 and Marvel's new, old numbering. Because that's how Sith do it ! ➡️ Play/Download Here
Read MoreLeague of Ordinary Gentlemen Podcast Episode #308 - Parenting Spider-lings
Matt Dursin and special guest Pope Carlos talk Spider-man: Homecoming, and the 4 year-olds who sat behind us in the theater who wouldn't shut up. ➡️ Play/Download Here
Read MoreLeague of Ordinary Gentlemen Podcast Episode #307 - Nnnnnoooooo!!
John, Clay and Dursin are back to talk about Marvel's "Strange" numbering, Han Solo's new director, and Darth Vader's reaction to a menu with limited gluten-free options.
Read MoreLeague of Ordinary Gentlemen Podcast Episode #306 - Sam Furst, creator of Monsters Are Good
Clay and Dursin talk with Sam Furst of Monstersaregood.com about Tom Cruise's The Mummy and what it could mean for the future of Universal's Dark Universe. Plus, we actually talk about Wonder Woman instead of pretending to talk about it. ▶ Play/Download Here
Read MoreLeague of Ordinary Gentlemen Podcast Episode #305 - L-A-Z-Whhhyyyyyyy!
John, Clay and Dursin go a' wassailing and talk about the Wonder Woman gross and reaction, some Robin Hood news, and a few of our old teachers. Plus, how much homework Clay missed back in the day. ▶ Play/Download Here
Read MoreLeague of Ordinary Gentlemen Podcast Episode #304 - Nobody Likes a Try-Hard
Clay and Dursin get on their soapboxes about security in the wake of the Phoenix Comic-Con would-be vigilante. But we also talk about fun things like Logan: Noir, the Batman/Flash crossover "The Button" and the good and the bad about Mastes of None: Season 2. ▶ Play/Download Here
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