League of Ordinary Gentlemen Comic Book Podcast - leaguepodcastPresents:
Math the Band The Band - (Math the Band the Band The Album release)
18+ $9 Advance /
$10 Day Of Show 8 PM Doors
TIX - http://tktwb.tw/1U0b3Cp
Math the Band the Band is the 6 piece version of Math the Band. Math the band is no longer playing shows.
Math the Band was an electronic punk duo from Providence, RI. They used a combination of analog synthesizers, vintage drum machines, old video game systems and shitty guitars to make the fastest, loudest, weirdest music they could.
Math the Band has been around for over ten years, playing over 1000 shows all around the world, touring with bands like Andrew W.K, Japanther, Horse the Band, Wheaus, Peelander-Z, MC Lars and MC Chris
THU 10/1
LeaguePodcast Presents: Math The Band The Band (Math the Band the Band The Album release), The New Highway Hymnal, Bearstronaut, Bright Primate, Aerobics - 18+ $9 Advance / $10 Day Of Show 8 PM Doors